Barbara Toby Stack Ancestors
Oldstein/Altstein/Aldstein/Altsztejn/Stone/אלטשטיין /אלשטיין/Альтштейн Family
City of Origin: Nowy Dwor Mazowiecka, Poland, near Warsaw 52°26' N 20°43' E
and nearby Zakroczym
at the confluence of the Vistula and Narew rivers.
Nowy Dwor & Zakroczym Links

March 1, 1949, Lewiston, Maine: Death of my grandmother Ethel Oldstein Stackowitz, daughter of Ephrem and Freida.

January 17, 1910, Brooklyn, NY: Birth of my father Isay Stachkowsitz to Etta Alstein, 37 (b: circa 1873).

January 8, 1872, Nowy Dwor, Maz, Poland: Etyl born to a Jewish man named Froima Altsztejn and Frida Ryfka of Pinkus, 36.
1 Shepsl Stasiovich b: c1816
.. +Bayl Nysonovicheva b: c 1831
..... 2 Mathew Mattias Matityahu Nisan HaLevi Stasiovich b: 10/27/1855 in Zakroczym, Poland
.........+Sarah Sura Krajna Krydl Zlotnicka b: 1846 - 1853
..... 2 Fruma Fannie Starshevitz b: Abt. 1873 in Poland d: 19 Mar 1910 in Boston, MA
......... +Jacob Slotnick b: Bet. 1866 - 1868 in Poland d: 04 Jun 1938 in Boston, MA
Mathew/Matityahu was Isaac's & Hyman's and Ben's father. He never came to the US. His name appears on their headstones. His sister Fruma/Fannie did come to the US and her (and Mathew/Matityahu's) father's name appears on her death certificate and headstone. |
Stachowitz Family Matrix
Stack/Oldstein Family Photos
Nowy Dwor: Stasiovicz, Stasjevicz, Staszjevicz Стасіовичь
Chaim Staschewitz
UK, US: Stuchowitz or Stochervitch or Stasowsky or Stasewich or Stasowich or Stacawich or Stachowitz or Stackowitz Stack
Slotnick Genealogy
Descendants of Matityahu HaLevi Stasiovich and Sura Kriyna Zlotnitskaia
updated 3/22/2015
This tree is limited to 4 generations. Please request full tree,
Isaac's Younger Brothers
Hyman Stachowitz (Chaim Staschewitz 1888, Nowy Dwor, Poland-Sept. 10, 1965??) & Rose Meyer Stachowitz
updated 4/8/2015
Ben Stachowitz Stack (1894 -1957 ) & Ethel Willner (1900-1938) & Hilda
updated 3/23/2016
Joseph Stachowitz (Argentina?)
1855 10-27 Birth Matys Nosan SZTASZOWICZ--Polish language
Matys Nosan SZTASZOWICZ, son of Siapsia, 39 [B 1816] & Bajla Nusanovichov, 24 [B: 1831], in Zakroczym, Warszawa Gubernia , Poland
(Zakroczym is about 7.3 km or 4.5 miles from Nowy Dwor) |

Russian-language Marriage Document of the parents of Isaac, Hyman, and Ben:
August 17, 1871 Marriage Matys Stasiowicz and Sure Krajna Zlotnick trans. by Tonya Staros
many thanks, Tonya!
1. Happened in the town of Novyi Dvor on the day of eightee-
2. nth of August of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy First
3. year, at two o'clock in the afternoon. Personally came Faivel'
4. Barab the rabbi of the town of Novyi Dvor, together
5. with a Jew Matys Stasiovich bachelor
6. eighteen years old, in the town of Novyi Dvor resi-
7. ding, the son of Shepil' and Bayl Nysonovicheva
8. the couple Stasiovich being alive and
9. a Jewess Sura Kriyna Zlotnitskaia maiden
10. from Novyi Dvor, twenty years of age, the daughter of Shmul'
11. and Ryfka Pehornyh the couple Zlotnitski
12. being alive, witnesses present were
13. Eliash Ith Segylovich age sixty seven
14. and the life cadet, forty seven years old, both from Novyi Dvor,
15. Shkol'nikov, announced that on the seventeenth
16. of this August there was performed a lawful
17. marriage between the Jew Matys Stasiovich
18. bachelor and the Jewess Sura Krayna
19. Zlotnitskaia, maiden, this marriage before
20. it was performed was three time announced in the Syna-
21. gogue of the town of Novyi Dvor, namely: on the seventeenth,
22. twenty fourth and thirty first
23. of July of this year, against this no
24. objections followed. This marriage
25 was performed with the spoken agreement of the parents
26. of the groom and the bride. At that point
27. the newlyweds announced that they are not signing
28. a prenuptial agreement. Then the act
29. was announced to the newlyweds and the witnesses
30. the rabbi and the witnesses
31. signed. The newlyweds announced that they
32. can't write.
33 Mayer ...
35 ? Fredirovich

1872 08-08 Birth Ajzyk [Isaac] STOSOIOWICZ --Russian language
Nowy Dwor Birth of Ajzyk STOSOIOWICZ son of Mates Nusyn, 19, tailor and Sura Krajndla nee ZLOTNICKA, 19 |

1910 03-19 Fannie Starshevitz Slotnick Death

Note that her father's name was Shepsel
1 Shepsl Stasiovich b: c1816
.. +Bayl Nysonovicheva b: c 1831
..... 2 Mathew Mattias Matityahu Nisan HaLevi Stasiovich b: 10/27/1855 in Zakroczym, Poland
.........+Sarah Sura Krajna Krydl Zlotnicka b: 1846 - 1853
..... 2 Fruma Fannie Starshevitz b: Abt. 1873 in Poland d: 19 Mar 1910 in Boston, MA
......... +Jacob Slotnick b: Bet. 1866 - 1868 in Poland d: 04 Jun 1938 in Boston, MA
Mathew/Matityahu was Isaac's & Hyman's and Ben's father. He never came to the US. His name appears on their headstones. His sister Fruma/Fannie did come to the US and her (and Mathew/Matityahu's) father's name appears on her death certificate and headstone. |
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